The Wetlands
The Wetlands walk includes a one hour loop walk around the lake and offers the chance to see some of New Zealand's wetland birds and aquatic life. Keep an eye out for:

New Zealand Scaup
Endemic small diving duck, dark and squat, with a rounded profile that looks a lot like a bath toy. Male is quite stunning with its dark plumage and bright yellow eyes.

Pukeko (Australian Swamphen)
Prolific breeder and can become destructive to other wetland species and plants. Seen mainly on land but they can also fly and swim.

Imported around the 1870’s and has become the most common water fowls in NZ. They have competitively excluded the Native Grey Duck from most Wetlands having hybridised with them so much, they can be hard to tell apart.

Paradise Shellduck
Endemic to NZ and is a noisy duck. The female is more colourful with a white head and they will pair for life.

Black Swan
Australian but common throughout New Zealand. The male is larger than the female, and being herbivores feed mainly on aquatic plant life.

Canada Goose
Imported in 1905, it is a herbivore that prefers short grass. It has become a problem in New Zealand and can be hunted all year round.

Grey Teal
A small grey/brown duck about the same size as a Scaup. It is a protected species in NZ and is under threat from predators which take the ducklings. The nesting boxes on poles in the Wetlands are for the Grey Teal.

New Zealand Dabchick
Endemic and under threat from predators. This little Grebe is quite comical to watch when swimming around with chicks on their backs.